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Charging and Remission Policy


Christian values

The specific Christian Values of Love, Respect and Courage underpin, and are intrinsic to the ethos and belief of Saint James Church of England Primary School.

Our vision

At Saint James we accept challenges, take risks and work to make to make positive change in ourselves and our community.

Focusing on building resilience and compassionate relationships allows everyone to flourish.

Using our Christian values to guide us, we develop skills to navigate rough seas and transform our world.

Be strong and courageous and do it.
1 Chronicles 28:20


Education (including materials, equipment and transport in certain circumstances) that is required by the national curriculum or as part of the statutory religious education provision which is provided during the school hours shall be free of charge. Details of our school hours can be found on the school website.

However, there are a number of circumstances in which a charge may be levied, or a voluntary contribution requested, in order for an activity to go ahead.

The purpose of this policy is to ensure clarity in respect of items and activities where monies may be requested.

At Saint James Primary School (and throughout this policy) the term 'parent', used in any context, is intended to mean parent, carer or guardian.


It is the policy of Saint James Primary School to levy a charge for:

  1. Vocal or musical tuition provided at the request of a pupil's parent.

  2. The provision of extended day services.

  3. Board and lodging on a residential visit.

  4. Education, that is not part of the national curriculum or statutory religious education, is provided outside of school hours.

  5. Transport (in certain circumstances).

In addition to the charging policy set out above it is also the policy of our school to request voluntary contributions from parents where this is required in order for a particular activity to go ahead.

The contributions are for the purpose of the trip or to benefit children's education.

Musical Instrument Tuition

There is an exception to the rule about not charging for activities during school hours in respect of the provision of vocal and musical tuition.

Charges may be made for teaching either an individual pupil, or pupils in a group, to play a musical instrument or providing vocal tuition where such tuition is provided at the request of the pupil's parent. In such cases it is our policy to require payment for the annual fee's to be made, in full, at the start of the academic year.

No refunds shall be available should a pupil decide to discount with their lessons or for any reason other than the cancellation of the service by Hampshire Music Service.

The only exception to this policy is that, in accordance with legislation, we will not charge for music or vocal tuition that is provided to a pupil who is looked after by a local authority (as defined in section 22(1) of the Childrens Act 1989).

Breakfast Club and After School Club

We do charge for the provision of these extended day services and it is our policy that if a pupil wishes to attend the breakfast club and/or after school club payment for the provision of such service must be received half termly in advance.

We retain the right to refuse to allow a pupil to attend the breakfast and/or after school club and to allocate their space to a pupil on the waiting list if the fees have not be received in advance.

Residential Activities

Special rules apply for residential activities. A trip counts as falling within school time if the number of school sessions missed by the pupils amounts to half or more of the number of days taken up by the activity. Each school day is divided into two sessions and each 24-hour period is divided into two halfdays (beginning at noon and midnight).

On this basis, a term-time trip from noon on Wednesday to 9pm on Sunday, would last for nine half-days, including five school sessions, and would count as taking place in school time. However, a trip from noon on Thursday to 9pm on Sunday would count as seven half-days, including three school sessions, and would therefore be classified for charging as taking place outside school time.

For a residential activity taking place largely during school time or essential to the education provided at the school, no charge may be made either for the education or the cost of travel. However, charges can be made for board and lodging in these circumstances and it is our policy to levy such charges.

However, a discounted charge for board and lodgings shall be made in respect of pupils whose parents can prove they are in receipt of:

  • Universal credit.
  • Income Support.
  • Income based job seeker allowance.
  • Support under section VI of the immigration and asylum act 1999.
  • Child tax credit (in certain circumstances).
  • The guaranteed element of state pension credit; or

The school will advise parents of the right to claim free or subsidised activities if they are receiving these benefits.

Education Partly During School Hours

Sometimes an activity may happen partly during and partly outside school hours. If most of the time spent on a non-residential activity occurs during school hours, that activity counts as taking place entirely in school hours and no charge can be made. Time spent on travel only counts in this calculation if the travel takes place during school hours.

As an example, a long distance trip might involve much travel before and after normal school hours, but if the time spent at the destination fell mainly within school hours, the trip would count as happening in school time and be free of charge.

By contrast, a trip which involved leaving school an hour or so earlier than usual in the afternoon, but then went on until quite late in the evening, would be classified as taking place outside school time. Charges would then be allowed and it is our policy that charges to cover the cost of the trip should be made.

Voluntary Contributions

Although we do not charge for most of our school-time activities, it is our policy to request voluntary contributions for activities in or outside of normal school hours for which compulsory charges cannot be levied but which cannot go ahead unless sufficient voluntary contributions are provided.

If a particular activity cannot take place without a certain level of voluntary funding, this is explained to parents during the planning stage and it will be made clear that the event may need to be cancelled.

The essential point is that no pupil will be excluded from an activity because his/her parents cannot or will not make a contribution of any kind.

Contributions must be genuinely voluntary and any request for contributions will make it clear:

a) That there is no obligation to contribute; and

b) That pupils will not be treated differently according to whether or not their parents have made any contribution.

There is no limit on the level of voluntary contributions, which parents or others can make to school activities, nor is any restriction placed upon the use, which can be made of such contributions.

This policy on charging pupils and remission was drawn up in accordance with Hampshire's policy and the requirements of Section 110 of the Education Reform Act 1988.