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First Aid Policy


Christian values

The specific Christian Values of Love, Respect and Courage underpin, and are intrinsic to the ethos and belief of Saint James Church of England Primary School.

Our vision

At Saint James we accept challenges, take risks and work to make to make positive change in ourselves and our community.

Focusing on building resilience and compassionate relationships allows everyone to flourish.

Using our Christian values to guide us, we develop skills to navigate rough seas and transform our world.

Be strong and courageous and do it.
1 Chronicles 28:20

Policy statement

Saint James Primary School will undertake to ensure compliance with the relevant legislation with regard to the provision of first aid for all employees and to ensure best practice by extending the arrangements as far as is reasonably practicable to children and others who may also be affected by our activities.

Responsibility for first aid at St James Primary school is held by the Head Teacher who is the responsible manager.

All first aid provision is arranged and managed in accordance with the Children’s Services Safety Guidance Procedure(First Aid).

All staff have a statutory obligation to follow and co-operate with the requirements of this policy.

Aims & objectives

Our first aid policy requirements will be achieved by:

  • Carrying out a First Aid Needs Assessment to determine the first aid provision requirements for our premises

  • It is our policy to ensure that the First Aid Needs Assessment will be reviewed periodically or following any significant changes that may affect first aid provision

  • The Children’s Services First Aid Needs Assessment Form will be used to produce the First Aid Needs Assessment for our site

  • Ensuring that there are a sufficient number of trained first aid staff on duty and available for the numbers and risks on the premises in accordance with the First Aid Needs Assessment

  • Ensuring that there are suitable and sufficient facilities and equipment available to administer first aid in accordance with the First Aid Needs Assessment

  • Ensuring the above provisions are clear and shared with all who may require them

First aid training

The Head Teacher will ensure that appropriate numbers of appointed persons, school first aid trained staff, emergency first aiders, qualified first aiders and paediatric first aid trained staff are nominated, as identified by completion of the First Aid Needs Assessment, and that they are adequately trained to meet their statutory duties.

Qualified first aiders

(Those completing the First Aid at Work 3-day first aid course)

At St James Primary School there are two qualified first aiders who are as follows:

  • Mrs L Alden
  • Mrs J Sparshott

They will be responsible for administering first aid, in accordance with their training, to those that become injured or fall ill whilst at work or on the premises. There may also be other duties and responsibilities which are identified and delegated to the first aider (eg. first aid kit inspections).

Paediatric first aid trained staff

At St James Primary School there are a number of paediatric first aid trained staff who are as follows:

  • Jo Candler
  • Lian Alden
  • Vicky Williams
  • Sam Martin
  • Becki Gardner

These staff are in place to meet the Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS) statutory obligations for provision of first aid to those children aged 5 years old or younger.

First aid provision

Our First Aid Needs Assessment has identified the following first aid kit requirements:

  • Four first aid kits on the premises and the medical room is stocked for an emergency.

  • These first aid kits will be situated in the medical room, in the corridor next to Science resources cupboard, in KS1 corridor, in Year 6 Classrooms and in the kitchen

  • Five travel first aid kits for off site educational visits o These travel first aid kits will be located in the medical room cupboard. Two kits are kept in the modular building for the before and after school clubs.

  • It is the responsibility of the qualified first aiders to check the contents of all first aid kits every term and record findings on the Children’s Services First Aid Kit Checklist. Completed checklists are to be stored in the file in the office.

The contents of first aid kits are listed under the ‘required quantity’ column on the checklist itself.

The Medical Room is designated as the first aid room for treatment, sickness and the administering of first aid. The first aid room will have the following facilities:

  • Sink and running water, first aid kit, chairs (there is provision for a bed to be made up if necessary)

  • Children’s named inhalers, children’s named epi pens etc, are kept in classrooms and can be taken from there to the playground etc.

During all off site educational visits the group leader will ensure a first aider will accompany them while on the trip. They will ensure they always have a travel first aid kit with them and the classroom medical bag with the children’s medication.

Emergency Arrangements

Upon being summoned in the event of an accident, the first aider/appointed person is to take charge of the first aid administration/emergency treatment commensurate with their training. Following their assessment of the injured person, they are to administer appropriate first aid and make a balanced judgement as to whether there is a requirement to call an ambulance. If there is any doubt we would always call an ambulance.

The first aider/appointed person is to always call an ambulance on the following occasions:

  • In the event of a serious injury
  • In the event of any significant head injury
  • In the event of a period of unconsciousness
  • Whenever there is the possibility of a fracture or where this is suspected
  • Whenever the first aider is unsure of the severity of the injuries
  • Whenever the first aider is unsure of the correct treatment
  • In the event of signs of allergic reaction to severe food allergy children

In the event of an accident involving a child, where appropriate, it is our policy to always notify parents of their child’s accident if it:

  • is considered to be a serious (or more than minor) injury
  • is a head injury
  • requires attendance at hospital

Our procedure for notifying parents will be to use all telephone numbers available to contact them and leave a message should the parents not be contactable.

In the event that parents can not be contacted and a message has been left, our policy will be to continue to attempt to make contact with the parents every hour. In the interim, we will ensure that the qualified first aider, appointed person or another member of staff remains with the child until the parents can be contacted and arrive (as required).

In the event that the child requires hospital treatment and the parents can not be contacted prior to attendance, the qualified first aider/appointed person/another member of staff will accompany the child to hospital and remain with them until the parents can be contacted and arrive at the hospital.

In the event of a head injury involving significant bruising we will telephone parents to make them aware. For minor head injuries we send home with the child a ‘bumped head letter’. The bumped head flow chart will be followed.


The Green Medical room folder is kept for the children’s minor injuries. The following information is recorded:

  • Date of visit
  • Time of visit
  • Child’s name
  • Reason for visit, if it is for administration of medicines the name of the medicine and the amount given is recorded.

Following any incident resulting in an injury to an employee, an online Accident Reporting form is completed and sent to the Health and Safety Department at Hampshire County Council. This is followed by and Accident/Incident Investigating Form.

This procedure is also followed in the case of an injury to a child which results in a more significant injury e.g. broken limbs, head injury etc.