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Year 6



Curriculum overview

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School curriculum summary

Remote education provision

Year group curriculum overview

Term period Curriculum overview
Autumn Autumn year group curriculum (PDF)
Spring Spring year group curriculum (PDF)
Summer Summer year group curriculum (PDF)

Curriculum scrapbook

Spring 1

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Our school follows the Christian calendar, and we came back after the Christmas break into the season of Epiphany – the part of the Christmas story when the magi visited Jesus. As a school, we followed the tradition of chalking every doorway with the blessing 20cmb23 which stands for Christus Mansionem Benedictat 2023 – May Christ bless this house 2023.
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Year 6 very much enter into the spirit of things when the opportunity arises to raise money for the school association. You might think sending your children to school in their pj’s would lead to less work but as you can see they are as focussed as ever.
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The children developed a sense of excitement and curiosity as they got a chance to be hands on with building various electrical circuits. Light bulbs, switches and motors were all options but it was the buzzer that was the firm favourite.
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Working together in a collaborative way to solve problems in maths is a key part of what happens in the classroom. Building a multi-faceted puzzle, based on converting weights and measures, certainly challenged the children but their growing resilience overcame some initial struggle and by working together the children were successful.
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As part of our science and PHSE curriculum, the children learnt about the impact of their lifestyle and hygiene choices on the way their bodies work and respond to outside bacteria and microbes. Welcoming the NHS education team to the year group, gave the children a chance to explore the topic with interactive resources and to ask in-depth questions of the visiting experts.
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Our book for the term was Floodlands by Marcus Sedgwick. The result of the work based on this book led to cohesive paragraphs in a survival guide and persuasive letters to Eastleigh Borough Council. Underpinning all this excellence is the foundational discussions that allow students to convey ideas, build knowledge and gain confidence through group work.
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Year 6 took part in the live, nation-wide collective worship on e-safety. The children learnt to be safe, responsible and confident users of information and communication technology. A link was sent to parents as well so that everyone in our school community had the opportunity to have shared values. They really are all Internet Legends!
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A very special part of being a church school is coming together in collective worship. With themes for each week chosen to help us understand and appreciate diversity whilst celebrating our uniqueness and accomplishments, it is a great way for year 6 to start their day.
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The children enjoyed investigating and learning about Eastern Europe this half term. The children grew their knowledge by using geographical resources such as atlases and globes as well as gaining a fascination for learning about new countries and capital cities.

Spring 2

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Year 6 carried out a study of how Southampton was affected in World War 2. This was significant in our local area because of the extensive bombing that the town suffered during the war. They especially enjoyed learning about the history of the Spitfire, which was created locally.
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The children showed that they can analyse problems in computational terms by writing their own quiz program using Purple Mash. They created their own revision for their upcoming SATs.
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We enjoyed a lot of reading opportunities during World Book Day. Everyone had fun dressing up as their favourite book character, opening discussions into why we love the books we love. We also used our Art skills to create collaged scrap book of all of our favourite books to entice others to read them.
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Year 6 were lucky to have a visit from SCARF (Safety, Caring, Achievement, Resilience, Friendship). During the sessions, the children discussed issues such as building and maintaining appropriate friendships and the dangers of substance abuse.
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An important part of Year 6 is the transition to secondary school. Shortly after discovering their school place, we had a visit from Wildern, Wyvern and Deer Park Secondary Schools to give the children a flavour of what will be happening before they start in September. Everyone was especially delighted to see a picture of Rufus, the Wildern School wellbeing dog.
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For E-safety day, Year 6 took part in a live, national collective worship on E-safety. The children watched a very animated, interactive presentation learning to be safe, wise and responsible wherever they encounter the internet. As if we didn’t already know it, the children really are Internet Legends!
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As part of our WW2 topic, the children produced carefully drawn pictures of a soldier. They used shading and collage techniques to create these half and half pictures. Before they started their college, they planned out the colours they wanted to use and wrote about the reasons for those colours in their sketch books.
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Make Somebody Smile! The teachers shared Lego’s Red Nose day Challenge with the children where they had to extra creative to make somebody smile! Some of the children chose to use K’Nex to build an amusing machine, while some used Lego to build a scaled modal of a homeless shelter – complete with dinner servers.
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Year 6 took part in a formal Easter Service at St James’ Church. The Easter story was given and Reverend Vicky gave an engaging sermon to the children, explaining the importance of Easter for Christians.

Summer 1

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During our trip to Paultons Park, we learnt how to programme one of the theme park rides that we got to enjoy – the sky swinger. We learnt how to debug the programme and really enjoyed choosing the speed, direction of travel and duration of the ride. Seeing the changes we programmed instantly effect the modal next to us was really cool!
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Here you can see the children at the start of our coronation celebrations. We had a picnic in classrooms with music, played traditional games during the afternoon and enjoyed a cupcake for a breather before Golden time. It was a lovely way to finish revision, discuss our British values and start the weekend!
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During our English lessons based on Letters from the lighthouse, Year 6 had a special visit from Mr Yodben, a local resident of Budmouth Point, Devon, (Portrayed by our deputy head) answering the children’s questions about whether the local lighthouse should be knocked down to stop it being used as a landmark by the Luftwaffe. The children wrote a formal, persuasive letter to the Ministry of Defence offering alternative solutions to this WW2 dilemma.
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During our reading sessions this term, we use our retrieval and summarising skills to create a fact-file all about Charlse Drawin and his theory of evolution. The children thought carefully about their presentation skills - making sure that they wrote in a style appropriate for other children to read.
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Tying in with our upcoming theme park project in Maths and our Paulton’s Park trip, we planned and made Sky Swingers to develop the creative, technical and practical expertise needed in DT. We drew a technical design, created a list of materials needed and measured our wood accurately. We used saws to cut the wood and soon found out when if our measurement were accurate enough. Once completed, we evaluated and tested our products and decided what we could improve on next time.
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We did a scientific enquiry to identify and classify animals, comparing their various characteristics to help us to organise them. We then utilised this knowledge to create a branching database to sort various animals. This was a small part of our larger geography topic of evolution.
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Year 6 were proud to take part in World Daily Mile Day. The Daily Mile is a scheme that aims to improve the physical, social, emotional and mental health and wellbeing of our children – regardless of age, ability or personal circumstances.
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The Daily Mile has over 4,512,848 children, in 90 countries, running a mile a day – we love taking local action whilst being a part of a global community! Well done everyone who took part.
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During SATs week, we turned our English creations of Unusual Creatures into artwork. We used our sketching skills to draw our animals. Then we used water colours to create a background and pastels for our animals, allowing our knowledge of colour pallets to enhance the unusualness of our creatures.
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Our Paulton’s Park Educational visit is often viewed as a reward for SATS, however it is actually the stimulus for our Maths Theme Park Project where we design and budget for a theme park as well as the DT for this term where we create a replica sky swing.